The African Violet
The African Violet Association of Australia, Inc. was formed to promote a better understanding of the growing of the plants of the Gesneriad family and to provide a way for enthusiasts of these plants to share experiences.
The most widely known member of this family is the African violet (Saintpaulia). Other members of the gesneriad family including Columneas, Achimenes, Kohlerias, Episcias, Nematanthus, Sinningias, Aeschynanthus and Gloxinia are now becoming more popular.
Meetings where these plants are the focus of attention are held at 10.30 am on the 2nd Monday of each month February to November at the Burwood RSL Club, 96 Shaftesbury Road, Burwood, NSW.
Visitors are always welcome, but if you would like more information first, please ask us, by using the Contact link above.
Next Meeting
The Association's next meeting will be on 10 June. The main subject will be entitled "Gesneriads in Winter" There will also be various other items about African Violets
1. Regular meetings provide informative talks and demonstrations as well as useful interaction with other growers
2. Meetings include a mini-show of plants where a selection of plants at their best is exhibited to members
3. Each meeting has a plant sales table where members may purchase plants unavailable outside of hobby growing.
4. Members are able to pre-order growing supplies such as potting mix and pots and pick them up at the meetings.
5. The Association's newsletter, "The African Violet" is provided to all members, either by email or by post.
The most recent (May 2024) edition of "The African Violet" includes the following main articles:
Trailing African violets - a comprehensive guide
Gesneriads to grow with African violets
Metapetrocosmea tamiana
Our African Violet and Gesneriad Display / Show will be held on 23 November 2024. More details available closer to that time.
Why not join the African Violet Association of Australia?
Use this link to download a Membership Form